Good News everyone! Its the birth of our savior today! Anyways got a sweet digital camera for christmas and to compound that fact with the fact that I leave in 20 Days the blog should be taking off soon. About to head back to college station to work a little more and move out. All I really still need to sell are my hobie cat and mountain bike, the rest the Lord has been incredibly faithful and provided buyers for. (And someone is looking at the hobie when I get back to CS.)
As a second subject, about to finally get my first tattoo- heres two sketches of options. Both will have the latin phrase Sola Fide inscribed with them. Sola Fide is the original "tower revelation" of Martin Luther that started the reformation and ultimately the protestant church. Sola Fide means Faith Alone. Through faith alone in the incredible gift of Christ's sacrifice are we saved from the eternal damnation our sin bought for us long ago. Through faith alone we are God's beloved and he will take care of us in this life or the next can we wake up each day to live for him without fear. Thus faith is the guide to my life and that is why I incorporated faith with the compass rose. How's she look?
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