Howdy all, short post but lotsa pics. Quick rundown! - Work on boat is goin sweet, getting a lot done, weather is getting warmer so soon enough should be able to get to final fairing and painting of the boat! Interior is about to get majorly underway with putting up the Deckhead ( ceiling) so pics will follow of that soon. Other happenings- Fell in with a sweet crew, met some folks that love the outdoors as much as drew and I do so been going on some good trips, weekend before last went to the welsh national climbing center in the valleys and climbed all day. last weekend we went to the brecon beacons national park and did some great hiking in the mountains, it was so beautiful and different to hiking in the u.s. Parts of the hike were on an old roman fort road of which there were still a few stones in place, next to that were sheeps haha! God has made a beautiful world. The crew weve been going with is pretty international haha, a girl from germany, a guy from sweden, the trip to the beacons a swiss lady and some welsh folks came along too. The pics of working are from this morning when we were modifying the rudder. Take it easy! - Andy

a perdy little frozen pool on top of a mountain

our trail

duke welding, drew cutting, the rudder is hollow so it can be filled with oil, it makes it lighter in the water

doin a little cutting m'self

the crew at a peak about to eat lunch

eating an apple on the verge! so pretty from up top